Become a MILLION DOLLAR Stripper | Strip Club Tips & Secrets
Oct 23, 2024
HELLO My AMAZING BABES, and welcome to The Bad Bitch Academy! ๐๐ฝ๐
It’s your girl, Amber the Baddie and I’m here SHOWING YOU the Behind the Scenes of EVERYTHING inside my Stripper Course. If you’re new here, or if you’ve seen my video, then you’ve seen me talk about my stripper course, and you’re like, “Okay, that sounds interesting, but what does it actually include? Like what do I Really get?” ๐ง And FUCK being mysterious, I’m going to show you EXACTLY what you will see BTS when you purchase my Empowered Stripper Course! ๐๐คFor new strippers, baby strippers, or if you need a big boost in getting your bag, then keep reading babes ๐
So, when you purchase the course, you will be coming to my website. And just so you know, the course is SELF-PACED, you get LIFE-TIME ACCESS. ๐ฅณ๐You can Bounce Around and move to any of these modules whenever you want! You don’t have to do them in order, even though they were intended to be in order. But you can ABSOLUTELY skip around. And let’s DIVE INTO EXACTLY what you’re going to learn! ๐๐
What’s in Module 1?
Soo, the first module is the Introduction. I talk about what you need to succeed in this course. I give an intro about who I am, my journey, and my story so you know EXACTLY who you’re learning from! ๐๐
Module 1 is Strip Club 101, where I basically talk about how the strip club works. What to expect, and I answered some frequently asked questions that A LOT of people usually ask me. ๐
And Module 2?
Module 2 is getting into the Ground Rules! So, what are these ground rules that every dancer should know that is going to set you up to be successful in the sex industry? I talk about boundaries with customers, and how to know what your own boundaries are. And know how to communicate that with customers, walk away, and deal with how customers are pushing your boundaries. ๐โ๏ธ๐
Next, we talk about having boundaries with your family and friends! So, here’s the thing….it can get tricky. ๐ I’ve lost a lot of friendships, I have some sticky-icky relationships with my family members because I am a stripper. And I’ve had to set some boundaries in place so that I won’t get disrespected, or taken advantage of, and I kind of share all of those tips with you in that video. ๐โ
Then we go into important safety tips, such as how to stay safe on the job and how to protect yourself from the crazy customers you’re going to meet. ๐ โ๏ธโ
And then we are going to talk about the hard truths that baby strippers are gonna hear. Things that you might not expect but you need to be prepared for being in this industry. Because IT IS a hard-ass industry. ๐ค You are not always going to make $1000 nights, or freedom of your schedule. There’s a lot of shit that we go through, and I am just preparing you for that in that video. โ๏ธ๐
Moving On to Module 3!
I love this module SO MUCH! ๐คฉ๐ฅฐ This is All About Creating your Stripper Alter Ego and your Stripper Persona. ๐ธ๐ถ๏ธ For me, when I look at my growth, the moment I started to create a stripper persona for myself was when I started to double and triple my money. ๐ฐBecause as a person, especially when I was a baby stripper, I would have a hard time asking for money. Or telling people, “No.” I was a HUGE people pleaser, I felt super uncomfortable asking people for dances. And I heard from girls saying, “Oh, yeah. I just asked him for a $500 tip.” I was like, “OMG I could never!” I would be so nervous! ๐จ๐ญ
So when I created my Stripper Alter Ego, I could have a new persona. ๐ ๐ She could have her own beliefs and her own traits, and she talks a certain way. She walks into the room feeling a different vibration. And that makes it so much easier for me to just step into this persona, and get out of my comfort zone at work. ๐๐ฝ๐
And it is going to help you, too! ๐
Here’s What We Got in Module 4!
The Art of Seduction! ๐ถ๏ธโค๏ธ So I really talk about how to EMBODY your sexy, sexual vixen. How to seduce, what the art of seduction really entails. And how to seduce your customers from your first interaction all the way through every second that they are with you in the club! ๐๐
Then I have a DANCE Class. It’s about 45 minutes long. It’s where I teach you exactly how to perform on stage without doing ANY pole tricks. ๐ There are so many of you who are like, “UUUHHHHH I Can’t be a stripper, I don’t know how to dance. I don’t know any pole tricks, I gotta first start taking pole classes!” BULL SHIT. ๐ โ๏ธ๐ You Don’t Need To. And I’m going to show you the 10 moves that I do when I rotate while on stage.
And I have made $600 from just being on stage! ๐๐ That was from dancing on stage for 6 minutes and making six-hundred fucking bucks! By doing ZERO pole tricks, and I teach you that as well! ๐โ๏ธ
Then I talk about how to give a lap dance, and I’ve got a sexy introduction with my husband. I have some affirmations that make you feel Sexy As Fuck, you might’ve seen these on my YouTube channel. ๐ Then I talk about the body language of a Seductress. ๐ถ๏ธ๐๐ How to walk in a sexy way, how to sit, really just shows how to exist sexily! And this applies to the club and outside of the club. Your body language is an important expression of your sensuality. ๐ถ๏ธโ
Then I talk about how to spice up your stage presence, so it goes even deeper into not just how to dance on stage, but really how to level up your stage presence. ๐๐ถ๏ธ
Moving On to Module 5!
I talk About Getting Started AKA Finding your club and Landing your audition. Then choosing your club and your preferred shifts. So, you have a couple of options for different clubs to work, from a gentleman’s club, an urban club, a topless bar, or a full-nude. ๐ฒ And then what kinds of shifts are best for You! Are you an afternoon girl during the week? Do you like the weekends? Are you a nighttime girl? I also talk about the different vibes and shifts that each of these different clubs has. ๐๏ธโ๏ธ
And then I have the video talking about if you didn’t get hired. Watching this will help you understand why you got rejected and what you can do about it so you won’t get rejected again! ๐คจ
The next video is about what is in my stripper bag! ๐ถ๏ธ๐ And I literally just take everything out of my stripper bag and show you exactly what I bring to work every day.
The next part is about what to wear based on your body type! ๐So HELPFUL! Because we all have different bodies. ๐๐ You might be super skinny, you might have curves, you might be thick, or have titties, or no ass. I dive into what types of outfits and accessories go with different body types. I’ve got pictures and examples, and I kind of built out some outfits for you. ๐
Next, I talk about tipping the club staff so you don’t get scammed! ๐ฒ๐ง We All tip people that we work with, but you don’t want to get taken advantage of. ๐ โ๏ธ And you don’t want to give all of your money that you make to the staff (the people that work hourly). I talk about who you should tip, how much you should tip them, and how to create different partnerships and relationships with the staff. That way they can bring in customers and help bring you money, and you are tipping them and helping them make more money as well! ๐
Then I talk about Analyzing Your Night and I included a downloadable list of journal prompts for you to have! ๐๐ Really looking back at your night and saying, “What really worked well for me?” “What didn’t work?” “Was I in the right energy?” “Were there certain lines that I really sold?” “Did I get a big tip?” It’s all to analyze your night so that you can perfect your craft! ๐ค๐คฉ
Because this IS a craft because we are ALWAYS leveling up and getting better and better at it! So analyzing your nights is going to really help! ๐ค
I got some stripper self-care tips! I have a 20-minute after-work self-care ritual! We are going to Stretch and Meditate and be Grateful for the money that we made! And to cut any energetic cords of what happened that night. ๐งโ๏ธ๐
And then I got strippers’ advice for your first day! Things that you are going to want to hear before starting at the club! ๐จ
Now On to Module 6!
This module is literally worth the fucking price of my entire course! Let’s get into it! ๐ค๐
First, there’s the introduction where I talk about the MAGIC happening in this module. โจโจโจ So Finesse It is All About Making Money, all these money-making tips. ๐ต
And the first video is about the types of strip club customers. There are different types and archetypes of customers that come to the club. ๐ฅ๐ฅ And I show you each different type, and how to sell to them. ๐ค Talking to a married businessman vs. a bachelor, vs. a 20-year-old kid, vs. a married couple is very different. You're going to sell to all of them very differently. They all have different vibes, and I show you how to talk to these different types of customers! ๐ง๐
Then we get into how to work the room! So, as you’re walking around the room, how do you look around and see who has money? Who should you talk to? Who can you seduce from afar? Who can you seduce when you’re on stage? And really just how to maximize your time at the club without wasting so much time just talking to everybody and anybody who is around. ๐ค๐
Then we get into how to spot a time waster. โณโSo there are some common red flags that these guys give when they are just there to waste your fucking time. And I’m here to show them to you. ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
I’ve got how to read a customer's body language. So, how can you tell from across the room or in conversation if someone is into you and if they want to spend money on you. Very powerful lesson! ๐
This one here is what so many of you struggle with! ๐คฆโ๏ธ Conversation starters and how to ask for dances! So if you feel awkward as FUCK when it comes to landing the sale, if you’re that kinda girl that’s like, “Uh I sit and talk to customers but I just kinda wait for them to ask Me for a dance.” ๐๐ญ THIS IS THE LESSON THAT YOU GONNA WANNA WATCH. Because I give you SO MANY examples of conversation starters and just different ways that you can ask for the sale. ๐โ๏ธ๐
Then we get into common objectives and what to say. If a customer says, “ No I don’t wanna dance,” “Not right now,” “Maybe later.” And I share what you can say that can turn that “No” into a “Yes.” ๐
I’ve got Don't Make This Mistake With $20 Dances, this is a big one! I can’t spill the beans on this too much. But, there is a common mistake I see 80% of girls making when they are doing single-song dances. ๐คข I make this mistake sometimes still, I used to a lot I’m getting better at it! And I just share HOW TO STOP DOING THAT, to make you more money and it fucking works! ๐ธ
Then I talk about how to Handle Objections and Part 1 is about the Mindset, ๐ง โจhow to let it not destroy your confidence and your self-esteem. And we really go through the emotions and the trauma and the shadow work that comes with being rejected and being a stripper. ๐
In Part 2 we talk about Sales, ๐ so I talk about the common reason why you got rejected. And what you can do about it so that you don’t experience that as much. ๐
You’ve got to ask for more, how to ask customers for bigger tips, more dances, VIPs, asking them to buy you messages, buy you clothes, give you gift cards, etc. We dive into that! ๐ค
Another one, what do you do for an hour in the VIP. ๐พ๐ฅ I get this question a lot, like, “An hour seems so long, do you dance the whole time? Do we talk? What do you do?” I give you tips on how to waste time, how to stretch the time, and continuously get them wanting to give you ANOTHER hour on top of that! ๐ฐ๐ธ
Then we get into Fake Drinks & Getting Customers Drunk, that title says enough! ๐
Next, I dive into how to respond to customers saying, “I wanna take you home. I don’t buy lap dances, but let’s go on a date! Oh, I don’t wanna dance here, but how about you come home and fuck me” ๐คข๐คฎ How do you respond to that, what to you say. We dive into that!
And then the last video in Module 6 is about how you get regulars. So how to get customers OBSESSED with you and how to get them coming back for more, and more, and more! ๐๐
So Moving On to Module 7!
I talk about manifestation and how you can Manifest Abundance at Work! โจ๐ธ A lot of tips and just a different perspective you can have because we are able to manifest anything. And even if you are in a slow season or in a bad club you can still go home with $2000 nights because you are a vibrational match of what you want. ๐ค๐ค You are manifesting and the Universe is working in your favor. And I talk about how to be intentional with manifestation, specifically while you’re at work. ๐ ๐ฐ
And then I’ve got two different manifestation rituals that you can follow along and you can do with me! ๐ช๐ค The first one is about your big goals and intentions. This is one that I recommend doing at the beginning of the month. And it’s about 40 minutes long. And then the second manifestation ritual is about 20 minutes and this is the one that you can do every single night right before you go to work that is going to make you feel High Vibe and it’s going to make you feel fucking fantastic. ๐๐
So Module 8!
I had the realization that I am Actually A Top Earner and that I have been the top earner at every single club that I have worked at! ๐ฑ๐ And realizing that, holy shit, that not only am I a top earner, but that I am a top earner that is not doing extras. ๐๐ I’m not fucking anybody, I’m not giving blowjobs, I am not doing any of that shit. I am a Fully Clean dancer. I don’t scam customers, I don’t lie and say, “Oh yeah, you can fuck me in the VIP” and then when they get back there it turns into, “Oh my God, NO!” But I do my shit CLEAN. AND I am STILL a top earner. AND I AM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT. ๐๐
And I just share the mindset of what it takes to be a top earner, of the difference between 80% of the other strippers in the club vs. the other top earners that are always making money. ๐ And how to be a top earner at ANY club you work at. ๐๐
Then I got some affirmations, so ‘Everyone Can Afford Me’ affirmations, and ‘Top Earners’ affirmations. Both are very powerful. ๐๐ค
And Module Number 9!
This one is called ‘Boss Bitch’ and this is all about being a Boss Bitch and managing your money. ๐๐ต๐ถ๏ธ So the first lesson is about some things like keeping track and managing your money. Taxes. I just give a lot of advice about being smart, because we do make a lot of money but we also have a tendency to spend a lot of money. So, this is just about how to be smart about it! ๐
I’ve got a lesson about tracking your finances, and how to budget for inconsistent income because some months you might make $10K the next month you might make $2K. So, how do you budget so that you don’t get stressed out and feeling like a broke bitch when you do have those slow seasons! ๐ โ๏ธ๐ฐ๐
Then Moving Along to Module 10!
This one is called Sad Bitch, Still a Bad Bitch, I was going through a little bit of depression, burnout, and overwhelmed. I share things about bad nights at the club, so if you’re having some bad nights this will be helpful for you! ๐๐โ๏ธ
And I’ve got an EFT tapping practice that you can do for when you have bad nights. Another video in this module is if you are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and anxiety that keeps you from wanting to go to work. You don’t feel motivated at all! ๐ข๐ญ
And I have a cord-cutting meditation that can help you release any negative energy from the night. โ๏ธ๐คข Super powerful! Because sometimes we meet some assholes, or we meet customers that don’t respect our boundaries, or there’s drama with girls, or you feel insecure, or just whatever happens so that we can just release any of that negative energy. ๐๐ฅ
Module 11!
Is just some bonus resources about ONLY FANS, Sugar Daddies, Dating and Relationships as a stripper. ๐ถ๏ธ๐๐ฝ๐ Because a lot of the time, guys sometimes think that we are sluts, that we’re easy, and sometimes they just don’t respect us when they know that we are strippers. ๐ โ๏ธ๐ So, how can you date as a stripper, and I give you some tips!
And I have a video about all of the lessons I have learned ever since becoming a stripper! ๐ค๐
An Added Extra!
I have more follow-along practices! So, EFT tapping for body confidence, stripper affirmations, bad bitch affirmations, active your big clit energy affirmations, rich bitch affirmations, affirmations to feel sexy as fuck, and more! ๐คฏ๐ฅณ
So as you can see, there is literally So Much in my Course! ๐๐ I really try to give so much value that I could share everything that I fucking know. There are over 65 videos and it’s all self-paced! ๐
Here’s the deal babes, real shit! There is a time limit on how long we can dance. โ๏ธ This is not a job that you want to do forever. So I want you to make as much money as you can while you’re doing it! I want you to make $1 million as a stripper! I’ve made about half a million so far in six years of dancing, and I’m not going to stop until I make it to a million bitches! And I want you to do it, too! ๐ต๐ธ๐ฅ
It’s possible for all of us, there is no reason for any of us to be broke bitches! So, my course just really helps you with that, and there is just so much love and intention that comes with this. And you’re going to notice just how well you’re going to do. ๐ So many of my clients made their investment back the first day! If not, their first week! ๐
I have one client, who was working in Vegas for about two weeks (maybe 16 days), and she made over $30K… in two weeks…From My COURSE. ๐๐ค She gave me the beautiful feedback and confidence that this Shit Works! I want that for all of you, for all of us really! ๐๐ธ
If you have questions, and if you’re not sure that this is for you, or if you’re not sure that you want to be a stripper you can schedule a discovery call here! We can meet, just talk, and I can answer any questions that you have. ๐ฒ๐
And just so you know, there are payment plans available! It is $1111 for everything! Lifetime access, it’s fucking worth it, so worth it! I hope to see you in my course, I love you so much. If you’re not, subscribe to my YouTube channel! ๐
โจ Let’s fucking level up together! โจ